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Welcome to!

November 9, 2009


This blog is about Logan’s sixth-grade year: learning about his country, about skateboarding, and about putting dreams into action. We left New Hampshire in September 2009 and completed our journey in May 2010 in Washington DC.  Best. 6th grade. Ever. [CBS News story] [Fuel TV interview] [NHPR interview]

Round the Table Podcast

January 10, 2019

round the tableTen years later, looking back on this journey in a podcast interview.

Notice Ability

February 15, 2018

I just stumbled onto this TEDx talk given by the founder of NoticeAbility. If you are or know a dyslexic person, pay close attention to the list at 2:10 and the stats in minute 8.

College Report Card #2

June 26, 2017


Logan got Cs and Ds in high school. This post is for all those kids and all those parents out there still slogging through those rough years, before the afterburners light up, before the nitro flips on. Hang in there. Keep believing. Focus on feeding the flame. Logan just finished his freshman year of college – twice on the Dean’s List. Thank you, SASD, for providing the perfect crucible in which this kid has caught fire.

College Report Card #1

December 26, 2016

“First semester of college is behind me.” I got Logan’s text after his portfolio review. He worked hard this term, but he liked the work. Drawing, Photoshop, and Design Thinking classes. Before we dropped him off in August, we explained which part of his tuition was his responsibility. Two scholarships covered that this semester, but they are tied to good grades. He knew he’d have to bring home the As or work part time. He did both. Four As and a 3.5 GPA for the first semester! Plus a work-study position within the Industrial Design department.

I think about the student he was in fifth grade and all the kids like him, square pegs in round holes. So much hangs on finding work that fits you, that matches your skills and personality. Keep it up!

Note to Self

August 11, 2016

His mom and I asked Logan what he wanted for a graduation gift. His answer was this tattoo. He’s got grand ambitions, and he wanted a reminder to keep pursuing them, to ignore distractions, to resist the temptation to be lazy. You can still see the long, pink scar on his right forearm from an old skateboarding accident, but these new permanent marks on his body were added intentionally.


June 9, 2016

Logan was the last member of his graduating class to walk across the stage, alphabetically. A few minutes later, I snapped this picture of him with his friends outside the school.

best grad pic 1.2

His expression here says everything. What more can I say? What more is there to say? Congratulations, Logan. I love you.


Starting to Believe

April 6, 2016

Last night, Logan received an Outstanding Arts Award from the Connecticut Association of Schools for his automotive design drawings.

photo (3)

How did this happen? This year, at his new high school in the Quiet Corner of Connecticut, Logan is taking AP Drawing, along with Ceramics and Sculpture, plus all those required academic classes. His drawing teacher pushes him, challenges him, holds him accountable, and he’s developing his talent. (Check out his portfolio at In fact, he got a scholarship to study Industrial Design at the Shintaro Akatsu School Of Design next year, part of the University of Bridgeport. Yeah, college. And this is the kid who almost quit school in fifth grade. The young man who scraped through high school with Cs and Ds until this year. Now he’s on the honor roll. What happened?

Logan explains it in an essay (He writes essays now. Yes!) The EXPLO summer program was a big part of it. The classwork and homework there didn’t require reading and writing, just thinking and doing, so he forgot he was dyslexic. He was a good student, and he enjoyed school! Then he decided he wasn’t going to let the downsides of dyslexia define him anymore. He stopped avoiding the writing assignments at school, and started blitzing them. Creative Writing was his highest grade last fall (thanks to his amazing teacher). Everything snowballed. Now here we are.

In dramatic, fictional stories, everything turns on a dime, a single moment of climax. In real life, it’s a much longer process. Years of just keeping Logan moving forward, muscling through the weeds, has led to this tipping point, when he’s really starting to believe what we’ve been telling him all along: “You can do great things. You can do things that nobody else can do. Do them.”

Finally, like Neo in this clip of The Matrix, “He’s beginning to believe” in his nascent superpowers.

Walking the Path

August 1, 2015

logan explo

Logan is studying Industrial Design and Architecture at Explo-Yale this summer. He was interviewed regarding his experience: “I got here and I was meeting new people and making friends I kind of had to think, ‘who do I want to be?'” Click here to read his answer.

Hands-on Learning

November 3, 2014

Logan snake

Logan’s eleventh grade science class is Ecology. This picture was taken during a great lesson on the reptile kingdom. He wasn’t daydreaming and staring out the window while a boa constrictor wrapped around him …and his belt loop.

Fish aren’t very good at climbing trees, but they’re great at swimming

October 12, 2014



This cartoon was inspired by the quote:

  • Albert Einstein wrote, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” The question I have for you at this point of our journey together is, “What is your genius?”
    • From the self-help book “The Rhythm of Life: Living Every Day with Passion and Purpose” by Matthew Kelly, according to

So, what is your child’s genius?